A Trusted UK Supplier Of ESD Control Products Since 1986

Is a constant monitor necessary to use?

A constant monitor is highly recommended; however, it isn’t imperative to use one. When grounding yourself to Earth through the use of a wrist-strap, coil-cord and bonding plug, there’s a chance that you could become disconnected either from Earth, your wrist-strap, bench-mat or even the earth-to-ground system may be functioning incorrectly. This situation could happen at any stage whilst you are working. If you have no way of checking this, then you could be generating static charges and transferring them to static-sensitive devices which can cause damage. A constant monitor continuously monitors and identifies any problems with your wrist-strap, bench mat or the Earth whilst simultaneously checking the earth-to-ground system is working correctly. View our range of constant monitors here.

ESD constant monitors

Can I use ESD signs within my EPA?

No, these signs are made from an insulative material which can generate a static charge. This could potentially harm nearby static-sensitive objects and cause significant damage to them. It is recommended to use ‘ESD signs’ outside of an EPA environment- this could be near your EPA’s entrance. View our ‘ESD signs’ range here.

ESD protection sign

Do we need to wear ESD footwear on an ESD floor?

Yes – an ESD floor is part of a system for personal grounding.

“For standing operations, personnel can be grounded via a wrist strap system or by a footwear-flooring system. When a footwear-flooring system is used, personnel shall wear ESD footwear on both feet and the two following conditions shall be met:

• The total resistance of the system (from the person, through the footwear and flooring to ground) shall be less than 1,0 × 109 Ω;

• The maximum body voltage generation shall be less than 100 V.” (IEC 61340-5-1 5.3.3)

View our range of ESD shoes here.

black ESD Trainer with white soleESD white trainer with pink lacesESD white slip on shoe

How can I find out how sensitive a component is?

This is usually in the datasheets of the individual components. It is often referred to as human body voltage (HBV).

What can we do if some of the tools within our production are insulators and create an electrostatic field that could be harmful to our components?

There are 3 possible solutions:

1) If the electrostatic potential measured at the surface of the process required insulator exceeds 2,000 V, the item shall be kept a minimum of 30 cm from the ESDS; and
2) If the electrostatic potential measured at the surface of the process required insulator exceeds 125 V, the item shall be kept a minimum of 2,5 cm from the ESDS.
3) If the measured electrostatic field or surface potential exceeds the stated limits, ionization or other charge mitigating techniques shall be used.

What do we do if we cannot comply with IEC 61340 5-1 (ie floor resistance too high, manufacture a product with insulators)

If the limits in IEC 61340 -5-1  are exceeded, the ESD control program shall include a tailoring. Tailoring is accomplished by evaluating the applicability of each requirement for the specific application. Upon completion of the evaluation, requirements may be added, modified or deleted. Tailoring decisions, including rationale and technical justification, shall be documented. (IEC 61340-5-1 5.1.3 Tailoring).

An example of this may be that the resistance of a floor exceeds the parameters of the IEC 61340 standard (ie greater that Rg < 1,0 × 109) If you can show that your controls are fit for purpose and keep the electro static discharge sensitive device safe by not exceeding the HBV of 100V.

Can we bring water bottles in an EPA?

This is a tricky one and 2 points need to be considered.

1) If the water bottle is conductive and grounded then there is no issue.

2) If the water bottle is not conductive it may produce an electrostatic field. If this is the case then they need to be kept a safe distance from any electrostatic discharge sensitive device.

Do I need to wear heel grounders on both feet?

Yes, in accordance with IEWC 61340-5-1 ESD footwear must be worn on both feet.

View our range of foot grounding products here.

Or, see our bestselling foot grounding product below.

What is the ESD standard?

BS EN 61340-5-1:2016

How are electrostatic charges generated?

Electrostatic charges are generated when two surfaces come into contact with each-other then separate apart.

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